Current Updates and Notices - 2024:
November 20th!
***Meeting announcements will be posted here going forward***
Our next meeting... is our Holiday Party!
Did you RSVP? If not, please email Terri Winter!
What are you bringing to share? Let her know...
December 10th 5-7pm
Terri Winter: [email protected]
Meetings take place at the Burnet AgriLife Extension Office, 607 N. Vanderveer, Burnet, Texas.
Our monthly business meeting will follow the program.
December AT Opportunities have been posted.
Happy Thanksgiving!
NEW Seed Inventory in the Seed Library!
Be sure to save your seeds as you plan your spring garden--thank you!
November Minutes have been posted.
November AT opportunities have been posted.
October Financials and Minutes have been posted.
The NEW Dig It! has been posted.
No Green Thumb for November--see you all in 2025!
Save the Date--Lawn & Garden Show 2025
DUES for 2025 are due. Form on front of website and in Forms section.
The Scholarship Program opens in January!
NEW--no need to search for the email, the link to the Zoom session is posted monthly on the Zoom Library page--only for members!
Please send project committee updates for the website to Samantha, [email protected] -- include content, photos and specific page name. Thank you!