The HLMGA Seed Library
Here's the pdf version of our NEW seed inventory (11/19/24)
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1. Save from healthy plants. Even if a disease does not get passed on through the seed, we do like to have some selection for disease resistance by only saving from healthy, strong plants.
2. In general, save from a number of plants so that the seed has some genetic diversity in it. The quantity that is optimum depends on the type of plant, for self-pollinating plants less plants are necessary, for cross pollinating you want to save from much a larger population (see seed saving resources). 3. If the plant cross pollinates you want to make sure you keep it isolated so it stays “true to type.” Check with a seed saving chart or book to get isolation distances. 4. Occasionally, we may save seed from a favorite plant that might not be from a large population of plants or isn’t super healthy, or maybe we like some interesting crosses that happened. You are welcome to bring those seeds in just make sure you clearly write on the label those relevant facts so others know they are participating in your experiment. With gratitude to the Dallas Public Library for this great resource.