The Oaks Nursing Home Courtyard Garden
The Oaks Courtyard
The Oaks Nursing Home Courtyard Garden was one of the first projects
undertaken by the HLMGA, 20 years ago. The intent of the garden is to
provide a beautiful space for the residents to enjoy and one that will
hopefully brighten their days. The Courtyard Garden consists of raised
beds and large pots filled with annuals, perennials, roses, bulbs, and herbs
in season. Most of the plants growing in the garden are native to our area
in hopes of attracting native pollinators. Small trees add vertical interest
and entry into the Garden is through a vine covered arbor. Something is
blooming almost year-round, and birds and butterflies add movement and
color. One of the goals set to create a pollinator friendly garden and
Monarch Waystation by adding milkweed and pollinator attracting native
plants is being fulfilled. We have achieved qualifying the Oaks Garden as a
Monarch Waystation.
Volunteer responsibilities include participating in:
*Planning activities as needed
*Establishment of new beds or plantings
*Irregular maintenance, such as pruning or weeding and bed cleanup;
*Weekly maintenance (watering, weeding, deadheading spent blooms,
pathway cleanup, refilling bird seed and hummer nectar)
*communicating with program chair as needed
Volunteers are scheduled for a weekly or monthly commitment as preferred
to fulfill the weekly maintenance tasks. All other larger jobs will be
scheduled as needed and opportunities for these one-time volunteer
activities offered to the entire membership.
The location of the Oaks Nursing Home Courtyard Garden is at 507 West
Jackson Street, Burnet, Texas, although it is not accessible from the street.
The entrance to the Courtyard is behind the Oaks Nursing Home, which is
inauspiciously marked by two dumpsters. This is truly a “feel-good” project
that does not require a huge commitment of time and pays back
tremendous rewards. Residents, their families, and nursing home staff are
most appreciative of our efforts.
If you would like to help out with the Courtyard Garden, please contact the
Program chair.
Ingrid Hoffmeister —[email protected], (512) 965-2781
Program co-chair
Ann McClanahan [email protected], (409) 673-0681
The Oaks Nursing Home Courtyard Garden was one of the first projects
undertaken by the HLMGA, 20 years ago. The intent of the garden is to
provide a beautiful space for the residents to enjoy and one that will
hopefully brighten their days. The Courtyard Garden consists of raised
beds and large pots filled with annuals, perennials, roses, bulbs, and herbs
in season. Most of the plants growing in the garden are native to our area
in hopes of attracting native pollinators. Small trees add vertical interest
and entry into the Garden is through a vine covered arbor. Something is
blooming almost year-round, and birds and butterflies add movement and
color. One of the goals set to create a pollinator friendly garden and
Monarch Waystation by adding milkweed and pollinator attracting native
plants is being fulfilled. We have achieved qualifying the Oaks Garden as a
Monarch Waystation.
Volunteer responsibilities include participating in:
*Planning activities as needed
*Establishment of new beds or plantings
*Irregular maintenance, such as pruning or weeding and bed cleanup;
*Weekly maintenance (watering, weeding, deadheading spent blooms,
pathway cleanup, refilling bird seed and hummer nectar)
*communicating with program chair as needed
Volunteers are scheduled for a weekly or monthly commitment as preferred
to fulfill the weekly maintenance tasks. All other larger jobs will be
scheduled as needed and opportunities for these one-time volunteer
activities offered to the entire membership.
The location of the Oaks Nursing Home Courtyard Garden is at 507 West
Jackson Street, Burnet, Texas, although it is not accessible from the street.
The entrance to the Courtyard is behind the Oaks Nursing Home, which is
inauspiciously marked by two dumpsters. This is truly a “feel-good” project
that does not require a huge commitment of time and pays back
tremendous rewards. Residents, their families, and nursing home staff are
most appreciative of our efforts.
If you would like to help out with the Courtyard Garden, please contact the
Program chair.
Ingrid Hoffmeister —[email protected], (512) 965-2781
Program co-chair
Ann McClanahan [email protected], (409) 673-0681